The Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China, well who does not know this wall? This wall must have been widely known to people all over the world. Great Wall is located in one of the world’s most populous country, China, not only known for the large size of this wall, but also the longest wall in the world and had become 7 wonders of the world.
stairs on Great wall china
History of the establishment of this great wall began in several kingdoms china, attacking each other. One of the royal which became the winner, try combining his kingdom, with areas in the win. For manufacturing this wall took hundred of years, as it’s not complete in just one or two decade.
The purposes was as well as to protect themselves from attacks and also prevent other regions rise another kingdom that can rival kingdom. Besides it is also said that according to some historical reasons and downs of this wall is to make travel to the city or the countryside there. The construction of the Great Wall is believed to occur during the Ming Dynasty.
Another greatness of this long wall is that, it is the only men built place that can be clearly seen from the moon. Incredible! Isn’t it? Certainly the greatness of this architect has made many people curious with a direct view. Therefore it is not surprising that the Great Wall has become one of the attractions owned by china. Certainly many visitors and tourists who come have made huge benefits for the country.The fact that the Great Wall of China is visible from outer space as well, gives you an idea of how huge the entire structure would be. Stretching through mountains, deserts, and grasslands, Great Wall of China runs from East to West of China covering a total distance of 5,500 miles. The Great Wall of China is not at all a continuous wall albeit is a collection of short walls that often follow the crest of hills on the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. The wall took nearly an entire century to build. 

Made by different emperors, the wall exhibits various styles and different levels of grandeur. The most stunning of all is the wall built by Emperor Qin Shi Huang between the year 220-206 B.C. The Great Wall of China was one of the seven wonders of the medieval world and continues to be a part of the new seven wonders of the world. Through western contact with China from the 17th century onwards the legend of the Great Wall of China spread across continents snowballing its popularity. 
       great wall of china
The Great Wall of China is thronged by thousands of tourists every day. Can You See The Great Wall of China from The Moon? The Great Wall of China is believed to be seen from the moon through naked eye! But, this is not true. But as per NASA scientists it is absolutely impossible for any thing to be visible from the moon then there is nochance of the great wall being visible.

Great Wall is also widely referred to as the giant wall of china, made from volcanic rocks collected and arranged well in ancient times. Length of this wall reaches 8850 km. length is unknown after holding the calculations performed by the Agency for Surveys and Mapping and the Cultural Heritage Administration of People’s Republic of China. The size of the average range of this wall can reach 5000 km.
great wall from top large view
At some point of the wall was also built a tower beacon, this is a kind of reminder that will be lit if there is an enemy or to be used for staking other areas. Among the parts of the great wall china includes Chengqiang or defensive walls or gates as high as 10 meters, there is also a Chenglou, or tower gate or door borders, Wangchen is a small wall in front of the gate. More forward than Wangchen gate, there is another door again called Luocheng, the last one is Ditches and drains were built around the wall, aiming to slow the enemy and facilitate the attack of the wall.