Signs a Girl is Attracted to You

Woman on the sofa with laptop

The signs a girl is attracted to you are always there. The trouble is, many guys don’t know how to read the signals of attraction women give off. To make sure you don’t miss the signs of attraction, take a look at the tips below on how to tell if a woman is interested in you

1.Effort as an indicator of interest

One subtle way girls show interest is by making an effort to initiate conversation. If you know the girl, it may be something as simple as her texting “hey, what’s up?” 

out of the blue. If she’s a stranger, she may show interest in a more passive way. Perhaps by walking up and asking something like “do you know the time?” In both instances, she could very well be showing interest in you and a desire to get to know/spend time with you (after all, she could have asked anyone for the time or just checked her phone, but she chose to ask you).
Exactly how deep that interest goes remains to be seen. But don’t overlook the fact that a small, subtle effort on her part to engage you may very well be a sign of interest.
2.Conversational signals a girl likes you

Another sign of interest men often overlook is when a woman shows she’s engaged in the conversation and wants it to continue. She may signal this interest by laughing at everything you say (even the stuff that’s not very funny) or by asking you questions about yourself. Both those reactions show you that the girl is interested in connecting with you and enjoys talking to you.
You can also tell that a girl likes you through communication when she reinitiates the conversation. Everyone has been in a situation where there is a conversational lull. If she begins the conversation again after that kind of a lull, she’s almost certainly doing it because she’s attracted to you.
3.Attraction and eye contact

One surefire way to tell if a girl is interested in you is her eye contact. If you notice a girl holds eye contact with you for 2-3 seconds or more, or if you find her doing a double take (looking at you, looking away, then looking back at you within a few seconds) it’s a sign she’s interested and you’ve got her attention.
You can further tell a girl is interested in you if during the conversation she continues to maintain strong eye contact – even during periods of silence. This is a great sign of interest as it shows you have her full attention. (For more on eye contact with women check out the Pickup Podcast episode on eye contact and attraction).
4.Body language and attraction
For more signs a girl is attracted to you, look to read the woman’s body language. The more the woman’s body language is open and positive, the more you have her interest and attention.
For example, you can tell that a girl is interested in you when her head, chest, and feet all point in your direction. Furthermore, she’ll remove physical barriers that exist between you (instead of crossing her arms in front of her chest – which forms a barrier – she’ll drop her arms at her sides so her chest is open to you).

5.More body language signs of attraction
Aside from open, positive body language, another body language sign a girl is attracted to you is if the woman becomes drawn to you. If you’re sitting at a table for example, you’ll find her arms and legs extend toward you rather than staying by her side and under her chair. If standing, you’ll find she’s comfortable stepping into – and staying within – your personal space.
If you can’t tell if a girl likes you, toying with personal space boundaries can be a great way to find out. What you do is step toward her so you are sharing the same personal space. If she lets you stay there, it shows she’s comfortable with you and is likely a sign she likes you. If she backs away, it’s a sign she’s not quite at that level of comfort yet. (To learn more about how to read her body language and create attraction with your body language check out the Pickup Podcast toolbox episode on body language and attraction).
6.How women flirt

If a girl likes you she’s going to start flirting with you. How do women flirt? In general, women flirt through touch. Whether it’s playful slaps, resting a hand on you, or whatever else, when a girl likes you she’s going to find an excuse to touch you.
To make sure you read this sign of attraction correctly, pay attention to how much the girl touches you vs. how much she touches others. If she touches you the same as everyone else, it may be she’s just a touchy, friendly girl. If you notice she touches you more than everyone else, take it as a clear sign she’s interested and is ready for you to take things to the next level.
7.Comments on you being single
If a girl comments that she thinks it’s weird that you don’t have a girlfriend, that’s basically her coming straight out and saying that she’s interested in you. This is pretty much how a woman says “I like guys like you, so what are you doing being single?”
8.Acting on her signs of interest

Lots of guys notice these and other signs of interest women display but talk themselves out of acting on them. They brush those signals of attraction off, thinking “it must be a fluke/she doesn’t mean it”.
But keep in mind that women are very aware of the signals of attraction they give off. They know that giving off signs of attraction and flirting with men will lead to getting more attention from that man.
So when you see these signs allow your go-to reaction to be “she must be interested in me” (or as the AoC coaches say: Always Assume Attraction). That way you’ll never miss a sign of attraction from a woman. Plus, it will build your confidence, which will get the woman that much more attracted to you once you start talking to her.
(For more on how to tell if a girl like you, check out the Pickup Podcast episode on signs of attraction)
9. How to get a girl to like you
If you’re looking to go beyond merely spotting the signs a girl is attracted to you, and want to learn how to attract women with ease, be sure to check out the Art of Charm Online Academy. The academy is a six-month program loaded with videos and exercises designed to turn you into the confident, charismatic man women want – and who has the skills to get and keep the girl. Sign up now and get a full month of access for only $1.

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